Hello Glen
I have received the Maytown DVD and have to tell you what an incredible viewing it has been
The quality of the production and the adventure value is world class in my opinion and everyone involved deserves much credit
The human side of the trip plus the bloopers and out takes at the end make the storyline fully attractive
A few other manufacturers have started doing test runs of this sort but are a bit more "sanitised"
As far as I can see it may be uniquely Australian and the Gall boys are way out in front
The Maytown DVD and similar should be advertised worldwide if they aren't already
I don't know if I can stand another video of this calibre as sitting on the edge of the seat and holding my breath for long periods has nearly been too much for me!
My wife watched the second DVD and kept on saying things like "What IS it with men?"
I would be surprised if similar comments didn't come out of some of the Gall households as well!
Keep up the wonderful work
Best regards
Don M
Hi Glen,
The Maytown Adventure was a bloody good show, and Dave needs to listen to his Dad when it comes to driving then he wouldn’t get into so many pickles. . . .
Thanks for the DVD, looking forward to the next one
All my best to the family
Colin - UK
Hi Glen, just wanted to let you know that we really enjoyed the Maytown Track Adventure, we think it’s the best Gall Boys video yet (and we have enjoyed them all). Can’t wait for the next adventure. Just make sure that Hollywood stays away from mud flats and checks what he is eating so he doesn’t go barking mad. 😊
Also, best prank ever by Ash and Bondara to get Hollywood with the fake snake at Cania – laughed so hard, we nearly cried.
Thanks Elva & Rick
Hi Guys,
Many thanks for the “Pack”. It arrived sooner than expected.
Now all I have to tell the Missus when she asks what I’m watching is “The Gall Boys”
Hopefully that will get me out of a bit of yard work when the Qld summer hits us (though it’s started already)
Thanks again, and a Merry Christmas to one and all.
16 November 2020
Hi Glen , Got the package and it made my day !!
Love love love the DVD's
Can't tell you how much joy watching the Vids has given us..
Safe travels and all the very best!
Cheers , Theo + Desi
Just wanted to say thank you.
My 12 year old grandson and I watch your dvds together
and you're all his heroes.
Thanks again for all the pleasure your family has given us. Cheers, Ross
We absolutely love your DVDs!
Cheers, Nadine & Jon
Hi Glen,
Thank you so much, I received my parcel today.
We purchased some of your dvds second hand awhile ago and when I checked your website and saw that there was more to the collection I just had to have them.
We find them very entertaining and amusing.
My husband said to tell you that we will be up your way in a few years to look at your caravans, so we might get to meet you in person then.
Once again thank you😊👍
Hi Glen
I have all your DVD's and love them.
I have met you and Dave at the Sydney caravan supershow in recent years and i wanted to say how you and your family bring a smile to my face. I will never be able to afford your vans but think they are fantastic.
Makes me feel good to see your family across multiple generations do things together through thick and thin (David v Barry) haha.
I wish you and your family all the best and keep the adventures coming.
I hope to see you on the road one day!
Hi Glen,
It was really a dream come true for me to have met you and your Dad, time was not enough me to have shared how much the Gall brothers had got me so inspired to go out doors and challenge adventure.
I got all of your DVDs and am always watching them.
I can't find another caravan adventure like yours.
God bless you and the Kedron family.
From Cedric and Therese. WA
I have received the package today...
Thanks of course to you.
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done, above and beyond to make this happen.
I know my husband, who by the way has all the dvd"s so far, will be beside himself...
We enjoy the adventures and fun that all of you have.
Thank-you once again.
The service you have shown for the business shows why it is such a success!
Kind regards. Gail & Family
So my 3yr old has 4 of your DVD's and loves watching the "caravan movies" at least twice a week! Hooked!
Hello, I just want to say thank you so much for your DVDs. I began to watch them some years ago borrowed from neighbours who raved about them.
I have moved since so its about time to buy my own - and the available set that I have bought will no doubt keep me totally glued to my TV for hours. Absolutely LOVE them...great journeys and photography, very informative, great family commairdery..most of the time!
And just all round great viewing.
Looking forward to my DVDs arriving...
and hopefully more someday?
Best Regards, Lee
Hi Glen,
We watched the Maytown Track DVD over a few nights and were glued to the screen!
Some of the 4x4 scenes were mind-blowing!
We particularly enjoyed the creative camera work and those spectacular and beautiful locations.
Your Drone shots are incredible, adding a very special element to the production.
I remember the previous Maytown piece on the 'Tacklin' the TopEnd' DVD but couldn’t believe it was over 10 years ago!
Regards, Greg & Vicki WA
G’day Glen,
I ordered a couple of shirts & the Maytown DVD!
Love all the gear and the DVD was fantastic, beautiful, clever camera work!
Ash, best Elvis impersonation ever !
Thanks again!
All the best
Cheers Greg
Hi guys,
WOW... I have just watched your new DVD I got delivered this week and my god what a trip I think I would have turned around after the first few days, what a track, it sure was rough. And what a workout those Toyota cars took they sure are the only cars to have and I have had them all my life and wouldn’t change. And what a Huge achievement for Barry to drive the worst part of the track himself, you boys are sooo lucky you still have him to keep you all on your toes. Keep up the good work!
Theresa. W
The Gall Boys have returned in spectacular fashion with a double-disc DVD. Almost 4 hours of Baz & the Boys as they travel Fraser Island & tackle QLD's toughest tracks!
Caravan & RV
Good morning Glen,
I watched your latest Maytown DVD on the weekend and I have to say that it was one of the best!
I only just re watched a couple of weeks ago the last time you did the Maytown track with the 100 series and I must say that some parts of that track just looked plain scarey!.. Real brown undie territory
It was a real credit to your Dad that he drove that track too, apart from the time that Dave got the Van bogged in that salt pan he seemed like he was enjoying himself….
The Van that you took on this trip looked fantastic too! When you look at each of the DVD’s you can see the Van’s evolving,getting better and better and when you look back to the van you took on the first Maytown trip (which was a great looking van) you can see the improvements you have made to the new one to minimize damage off road…Things like the fold away step and the suspension! And making the rear tyre carrier strong enough to use as a pusher if necessary is a great idea!
Anyway I’ll stop gasbagging now and go back to work but I just wanted to send you a note to say Great job and I have enjoyed everyone of your DVD’s.
Wonderful show , excellent entertainment , great to see you going out and enjoying the nature! Keep up the great work... passion and good team work have paid off well!
On behalf of "Everyone" THANK YOU The Gall Boys FOR MAKING THE MAYTOWN ADVENTURE 🤠 for all of us to enjoy.....!!!
Love your work boys keep it up!
Ashley S
We all love it and it's heaps of fun!
GOOD Stuff!
I bought the DVD’s, sat and watched the whole adventure in one hit !! And loved it, I recently bought a new N80 so was great to see it put through its paces and come out unscathed, cheers for the ride fellas 👌🏼
Got your DVD, was a great trip and a good laugh as well!
Steve Fisho
Awesome photography as usual, particularly on the current Maytown DVD just pure excellence in creation of viewing to the ever growing audience of " THE GALL BOYS"!
Rodney T.
A few years ago we were at the Brisbane caravan show and watched as a boy threw a tantrum because he wanted to look at the Gall Boys merchandise, but the Mum was having none of it and wanted to walk away. Glen saw this unfold and approached the kid with a backpack and placed a hat on his head. The little boys eyes lit up and he was literally bursting with happiness.
The Gall Boys probably don't realise what a huge impact on a kids life they have by their simple acts of generosity, kindness and friendliness. Sometimes these are the best childhood memories - when someone cared, or performed a random act of genuine kindness.
It is this level of humility and integrity that stands the Kedron Caravan brand heads above all others.
Kris J.
They are truly lovely guys, the whole family are. They have gifted some awesome things to us as well over the years. In a horrible time we had my boys still talk about what Dave n' Glen sent them.
Andrea F.
Thanks for making fantastic moments for us all to enjoy!
You guys have given me for one, a hell of a lot of entertainment over the years & I hope for years to come ! don't know how many time I have viewed you movies & lost count of the amount of YouTube's I have watched while sitting at work on the computer while having lunch I might add, dreaming of doing a small fraction of what you guys do!!
Thank you so much !
Shane B.
Yes you guys keep my husband up all night with your DVD s but they are GREAT 👍 Thanks!
Kylie S.
My wife called the DVD's "caravan porn" because she couldn't believe a fella could devote so much time watching a screen if it didn't have boobs on it! You've done a great job over many years guys, always enjoy your adventures!
Grant & Jan
Well done fellas. It's a total joy seeing your videos for all of my family. Mum and Dad have all the videos and I think we've watched everyone at 3 times!
Geoff T.
U guys do an amazing job!
Love the Gall Boys!
Angie P.
We would be a whole lot worse off if you guys hadn't the balls to film the DVD's all those years back . Now look at yourselves and the massive number of sales .... hold your head up high and keep those great moments happening
Graham P.
Bloody legends guys awsome job, love the videos love the vans and you guys!
Corey S.
Keep doing what you do guys
Wayne L.
We love every minute. Thanks boys!
Sandra P.
Gold boys I have enjoyed every minute!
Brian C.
Have enjoyed all your trips . beautiful photography and wouldn't be a trip without the "Dad & Dave " moments!
Lesley S.
We are glad you started the journey....we have loved every minute!
Lisbeth W.
Great job guys, really enjoyed all the DVDs!
Darren C.
A credit to all Gall boys involved Incredible work.
I hope there are more adventure dvds to come!
Patrick R.
We have loved every one of the Gall Boys Dvd's!
We hope there will be many more of them!
Thanks to all of the team!
Yvonne M.
Well done! The videos are great! Keep it up!
Marylee & Peter B.
Time flies... I remember first calling in to see you guys at Kedron and realised when i read this post that was 25 years ago... Well done guys!
Doug S.
Great work guys congratulations!
Darren P.
Got the Maytown DVD for Father's Day to top up the rest of the series I have. Loved what I've seen so far on disc one, some great HD footage and awesome use of the drone! Good to see the new Van and Toyotas getting a good test too! Keep up the great work guys!! Love it!
Mick C.